The *amazingly fun-loving* Danny Gregory
Find out more about this character at: www.dannygregory.com |
Don't let him stare you down! |
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Today's episode of the Alchemy of Art Podcast features an interview with the writer and illustrator, Danny Gregory. This is a man who sees beauty in the messiness of life....
And past the grandiose pompous side of design to the elements that remind us of what we really love.
The small things... like tuna fish sandwiches and all of those details that put together make up the whole.
This interview is one of those that gave me many chunky nuggets to take and put in my pocket. As much as I love creating art my head often swims with the many reasons why I love it, why we keep creating. Danny Gregory's fresh perspective seems to have been knocked into place by the tragic events in his life. This breath of fresh air is the sort of thing that happens when someone is frank, honest and open. Find out more about Danny's work at:
Today's featured story is a folktale from India, "The Three Dolls." This story any many others are found in the book, "
The Alchemy of Art: Stories for the Classroom."
On the Alchemy of Art Podcast we interview artists from a wide variety of mediums about their creative process and art philosophy. Each episode includes folktales and true stories about artists to inspire you and keep you going. Hosted by Addie Hirschten, a contemporary impressionist painter, art teacher, author and public speaker. Find out more at