Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Rose in the Cafe

Rose in the Cafe
Copyright 2014 Hirschten
Oil on Canvas
11" x 14"

Art is like a bright star up ahead in the darkness of the world.  It can lead peoples through the darkness.  Art is a guide for every person who is looking for something.
-Thornton Dial

As my fall classes wind to a close I have been thinking a lot about how art is a language.  We use paintings to express what we cannot say in words. There is so much that we all want to share including the sacred beauty around us. As the earth quiets with the stillness of winter may you all find the voice to express what you are longing to say. 

"The human heart is full.  Each pulse beat draws us towards new frontiers.  The life within us calls out for expression.  This is what creativity serves.  It endeavors to bring some of our hidden life to expression in order that we might come to see who we are."
-John O'Donohue

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