Thursday, April 21, 2022

Art Inspiration: How to Paint a Rose and Artist Coaching Sessions


Hello My Fellow Art Lovers- 

One of my favorite things to paint are roses.  For me they symbolize delicate beauty.  We use them to celebrate the stages of life.  They are vibrant and alive!

When my grandfather's rosebush blooms every year I am reminded of him.  

He planted gardens everywhere he lived, even in the deserts of Afghanistan.  That's me with him in his garden in Fredonia, New York.

A few years ago I created a *free* online class called How to Paint a Rose

I invite you to take it for free on my Teachable online class site.

On it I explain step by step how I created this....

If you want to learn to paint flowers in person join me for my May class Learn to Paint Flowers at Studio Alchemy.

New!  I am now offering one-on-one artist coaching sessions either in-person or over Zoom.  Sign up now for 25% off!  Use coupon code SpringCoachingSale at checkout.  Offer expires 4/30/2022.

 Along the Picket Fence, Sold, Prints available here

"Spring is nature's way of saying 'Let's Party!'"
- Robin Williams

Over the weekend I got to party with my friend, Teresa Vazquez!  Listen to our conversation about dreams on the Studio Alchemy Podcast.

Peonies in a Cut Glass Vase, Sold, Prints available here

Want join me for classes?  Want to bring a family member or friend?  Many of my upcoming workshops are fun bonding experiences. I just added more classes and workshops to our spring schedule!

Many of today's illustrations are from my upcoming book on SYMBOLISM! 
Stay tuned for the more juicy symbols and art philosophy as I swim through this material. 

Would someone you love be inspired by this message?  Feel free to share ❤  

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